Image of Uganda UK Convention 2018

The Jakana Heights team have been supporting the UNAA Convention in the USA for several years and attended the 30th Convention in Seattle in September.  We were pleased to meet many prominent Ugandans living in the USA as well as members of Parliament and Government Ministers.  There was a great deal of interest in our project both from a personal point of view and as an indication of the economic stability in the country. Many of the delegates have arranged to visit the site when they are next in Kamapala

The Jakana Heights team has also been supporting the parallel/sister convention in the UK. This was held in London on 16th September.  At this event we delighted with the interest from UK resident investors as well as Uganda Government Ministers.  We were particularly glad to meet the UK Prime Minister’s Trade Envoy to Uganda and are following up his suggestions for sourcing materials and equipment for the development. As in the USA many delegates have asked to visit the site and we are arranging transport and information for them.